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2017   Breathing Underwater, images by Ralph Petty,  text by Lisa                           Davidson, 2017, Sylph Editions, London,

           92 pages, (distributed in the US by the University of Chicago                         Press)

2013   A Decade of Art at the AUP Fine Arts Gallery, 15-page color                         catalogue reviewing over
           100 exhibitions at the Fine Arts Gallery of the American                                  University of Paris.

            Edited and written by Ralph Petty, published by Sylph Editions i                    in the UK

2013   Listening,12-page brochure on granite sculpture in celebration of                   the 50th anniversary of The American University of Paris. It is                       on permanent display in front of the main building of the university,                6 rue de Colonel Combes, Paris 75007 and is part of the university’s
            Permanent Collection. The introduction, Still Not, was written by                  Nancy Huston

2013   Shades from the Other Shore, images by Ralph Petty and text by                      Jeffrey Greene, published by Sylph Editions in the UK and The                      American University of Paris. Number 20 in the prestigious Cahiers              Series, is distributed in the USA by the University of Chicago Press

2011   Démons Quotidiens is an intimate French journal, a dialogue of a                   writer and a painter, with texts by Canadian/French writer Nancy                   Huston, and drawings by American/French artist Ralph Petty.                         Twelve months of taking in the world as it is, funny, incisive, at                      times dark, this book offers an unique view of our                                            contemporary life that is both political and intimate. 

            Les Editions L’Iconoclaste, Paris, 2011, 400 pages, 150 colored r                    reproductions of drawings.

2010   Creer avec Magritte, Contributor  (drawing and exercise): for                         children,  Editor: Jean Poderos, Editions Courtes et Longues,  16, rue             Saint-Paul, Paris 75004

2009   Encounters: A Riff on the Senses, Limited edition fine artist book, by             Ralph Petty and Charles Jones, La Nana Creek Press, 2009,                           Nacogdoches, Texas, edition of forty hand printed and hand bound                 hard cover books using original writings and drawings of Ralph                     Petty and Charles Jones.

2008   Dolce Agonia, Book cover illustration for the Brazilian publisher                    L&PM Editores by Nancy Huston (publication date: January 2009)                The Computer, The Painter, The Image and His Brushes, article                      written for the website: 

            The Computer, Slow Food and Stone, article for the website:                 

2007    Créer avec Warhol, Illustration and text for children’s book ,                           published by Editions Courtes et Longues.

             Créer avec Vermeer, Illustration and text for children’s book ,                         published by Édition Courtes et Longues.

2006     The Permanent Art Collection of The American University of                          ParisCo-Editor of Catalogu

2001      Dolce Agonia, Cover illustration , Nancy Huston (Actes Sud, 2001)

2000      Ralph Trio, Cover and illustrations of CD jacket.

              Variations, featured artist (illustrations and article entitled Festin),                  published by the Fédération des Relais Enfants-Parents,                                  Montrouge, France.

              Our Lady, Illustration for book cover, Dale Gershwin (Mosaic                        Press, 1999).

1993      Itinéraire 93, Catalogue of group exhibition,” La ville de Levallois,                 France.

1998,90  Frank, (International art and literary journal)—Interview and                         reproductions of work, Paris.

1982       Zephyr Calendar—Design: Davidson/Petty, Illustrations: Petty.                     L.N. Fowler and Co. London.



2010,09,08,07,05,04, Paris Atlantic, illustrations 

2001,08,09,10,           Core, illustrations, 

 2005,                          Keystone, interview and painting illustration, 

 2007,                          Language without Words, Scissors and Tooth.

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